"I want to wish THE LADDER a happy birthday and congratulate you on the new cover, which seems of the loveliest and most fitting that could be imagined. Don't change it too soon again!
"The historical sketch of the Daughters and THE LADDER was most interesting. I am enclosing my
check for those first five numbers that are promised for April 15. I was also interested in your notice on page six of the projected research projeot, collecting case histories of Lesbians. complete and absolute anonymity can be promised
I would be willing to be a guinea pig.
"Again, congratulations on the first-class publishing job you are doing on THE LADDER, and best wishes for prosperous days ahead."
J.A., Kansas City, Kan.
The research project mentioned is just getting under way and will be divided into two parts. The first entails intensive personal case histories plus consultation with the psychiatrist working with us. The second will be in the form of a comprehensive questionnaire to be ciroulated to as many Lesbians as are interested. Complete and absolute anonymity is, of course, guaranteed with reference to the questionnaire. ED.
"I have been receiving THE LADDER and have been a member of the Daughters of Bilitis for more than a year now. The day my copy arrives I sit and read it from cover to cover.
"I enjoy and have learned a good deal from THE